David Hale

Memorandum to the Biden Administration: Lebanon

The arrival of a new American ambassador in Beirut can mark a new style in the conduct of U.S. foreign policy there. However, it is good to remember that policies are set in Washington, not at embassies. As the talented new American ambassador, Lisa Johnson, settles in, it is an opportune moment to consider how the team in Washington should ...

Learning from American Diplomacy toward Lebanon

As America and its allies grapple with the conflict in the Middle East, a study of history can help American policymakers learn from their predecessors' successes and failures. Because Lebanon is a microcosm of the Middle East, the past conduct of American diplomacy there offers a wealth of experience to help guide Washington through the current ...

Hale: Iranians Call the Shots in Lebanon

Former US Ambassador to Lebanon David Hale spoke to This is Beirut about the launch of his new book "American Diplomacy Toward Lebanon," in which he studies the US' relationship with Lebanon through six case studies. Hale also talked about the situation in southern Lebanon, UNSC Resolution 1701, and the role of Iran in the country and the region.